Simply put: plug a Gibson, a decent tube screamer-like booster, and BAM.
Now, when comparing to higher ended/priced amps sur my beloved Mesa, there is a part of the spectrum that you miss: like difference between a tape and a CD (yes I'm that old), you miss warmth in the bass, and the crystal in treble. But hey, it's a less than 1k amplifier!
But like for the people loving analog and not giving a damn, this amp has the real identity of that (late) 80s sound. It IS the Marshall growl.
Moreover, it's really practical. Paired with the vertical 212, diffusion in the room is great (the 112... forget). It can be used without power attenuator... but like you'd do with a 50w amp, but turning the volume know with a pinch :) The wattage is low, but it can be LOUD, and the "low power" sacrifies headroom.
Other than that, I highly recommend! It has a personality, an identity that reminds you of the music you love. The price is really decent. It's the real Marshall, dot the DSL/ValveState/Whatever you usually hear at your friend's that made compromises yet bought the brand :)
It's the real deal, more affordable, lighter: go for it! (but try the Plexi first to see which one if for you ;) )