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Focusrite Clarett+ 4Pre


Interface audio USB 2.0

  • Résolution: 24 bits/192 kHz
  • 18 entrées et 8 sorties
  • 4 préamplificateurs micro Clarett avec mode Air modélisant le ton classique du préamplificateur micro ISA110
  • Alimentation fantôme +48 V commutable
  • 4 entrées microphone/instrument/ligne sur XLR/Jack 6,3 mm (dont 2 utilisables comme entrées instrument)
  • 4 entrées ligne sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • 4 sorties ligne sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Entrée/sortie MIDI
  • Entrée ADAT
  • Entrée/sortie S/PDIF coaxiales
  • 2 sorties casque sur Jack stéréo 6,3 mm
  • Port USB-C
  • Format de bureau
  • Dimensions (L x H x P): 222 x 63.5 x 192 mm
  • Poids: 1,61 kg
  • 2 câbles USB (standard vers type C), bloc d'alimentation et pack de logiciels Hitmaker Expansion (Ableton Live Lite, Pro Tools Intro+ et pack de plug-ins Avid Complete) incl.

Plug-ins Hitmaker Expansion:

  • LANDR - Outil de mastering basé sur l'IA (abonnement de 2 mois)
  • Softube Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555 - simulation d'ampli
  • XLN Audio Addictive Keys Studio Grand Piano – instruments à clavier virtuels
  • XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2: Studio Rock - bibliothèque de batterie virtuelle
  • Antares Auto-Tune Access - accordage vocal
  • Brainworx Bx_console Focusrite SC - tranche de console
  • Focusrite Red 2 & 3 Plug-in Suite - EQ et compresseur
  • Relab's LX480 Essentials - Réverbération
  • Native Instruments Massive
  • FAST Balancer
Référencé depuis Novembre 2021
Numéro d'article 524287
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Canaux enregistrement/lecture 18x6
Nombre d'entrées microphone 4
Nombre d'entrées ligne 8
Nombre d'entrées instrument 2
Nombre de sorties ligne 4
Sorties casque 2
Alimentation fantôme Oui
Connexions S/PDIF 1
Connexions ADAT 1
Connexions AES/EBU 0
Connexions MADI 0
Ethernet 0
Autres interfaces Aucune
Interface MIDI Oui
Word Clock Non
Fréquence d'échantillonnage max. kHz 192 kHz
Définition max en bit 24 bit
Alimentation via USB Non
Alimentation incluse Oui
Version USB 2.0
Largeur en mm 222 mm
Profondeur en mm 192 mm
Hauteur en mm 63,5 mm
Format de connexion Port USB type C
Contenu de la boîte 2 câbles USB (USB standard et USB type C), bloc d'alimentation
Monitoring zéro latence 1
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B-Stock disponible à partir de 515 €
555 €
Tous les prix TVA incl. (TTC)
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Informations sur l'expédition

33 Évaluations des clients

4.7 / 5

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23 Commentaires

Etonnamment pas très différente de ma presonus 1818VSL
Doumé 05.01.2022
Je voulais rafraichir mon set et remplacer ma Presonus 1818VSL. Après avoir fait le tour de la question sur le papier, je me suis décidé à commander cette Clarett+ 4 pre.

Après une installation assez facile et rapide, j'ai pu constater que l'interface du Focurite control est plutôt bien faite à mon sens, un chouille compliquée à paramétrer mais sans plus. Les entrées lignes n'apparaissent pas dans les input ce qui m'a dérouté au départ (seuls les préamp apparaissent).

J'ai fait quelques prises voix avec mon BETA 87 en alternant les drivers asio de ma presonus et de la clarett+, préamp en mode ISA et à 44kHz.

J'ai réécouté mes mix.

Je me suis écouté quelques titres en haute résolution sur Qobuz sur mes ADAM A5X puis au casque.

Et puis j'ai remballé soigneusement la FOCUSRITE pour la renvoyer.

Pour moi, la différence entre les deux cartes est minime et je vais garder encore quelques temps ma presonus. Je pensais qu'en 10 ans le hardware aurait évolué à un point qui m'aurait enchanté mais cela n'a pas été le cas (où alors j'ai vraiment les tympans cramés...).

C'est sans doute une bonne interface audio mais le rapport qualité / prix ne me parait pas top.
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Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Shumay 16.03.2022
I've upgraded from Scarlett 4i4 to Clarett+ 4pre, for live usage (2 stereo keyboards and MIDI) and for home tracking and mixing. The software, Focusrite Control is very intuitive, and is (after few minutes of twidling) very powerfzl tool for monitoring. Sound clarity and AIR funciot on 4 Mic Preamps is superb in comparison to Scarlett.
I would recommend this audio interface if you will use it often (ex. live gigs, studio, tracking, mixing on the go, ...).
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Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Clean but extremely weak preamps, basically unusable for dynamic mics without additional preamplification
AlexanderEdits 24.12.2022
Let me begin by praising the overall design and construction of the interface, it looks and feels great in my studio and I am quite happy with the digital to analog converters and how music sounds through my monitors when connected to this unit. It sounds absolutely great to be honest and a huge improvement over my previous interface as far as played-back sound quality goes. Where this interface completely fails is in the strength, or should I say lack of strength, of it's microphone preamps. Julian Krause, a German YouTuber who many of you are likely familiar with, tested the Focusrite Clarett+ 2Pre – which I assume has the same preamps as the 4Pre – and found it to have the weakest microphone preamps out of every other of the many audio interface he has tested and reviewed. This is absurd considering the otherwise extremely high quality of this interface.

Why Focusrite would give us one of the best, and simultaneously worst, interfaces is beyond my understanding. I'm sure if you're recording with condenser mics you will be just fine with the amount of gain provided by the 4Pre, but my main mic is an Electro-Voice RE-20 which requires a great deal of gain and even with the addition of a Triton Audio Fethead Germanium which provides an additional +29dB of gain, I have to dial the gain on the interface up close to 3pm just to get a decent signal, which also raises the noise floor to unacceptable levels.

The Focusrite Clarett+ 4Pre is 100% incapable of driving my gain-hungry dynamic microphone without adding a ton of noise, and it just sounds awful. And yet with the Air mode on it simultaneously sounds great! Yeah, the Air mode is like a superpower of this interface, it makes vocals sound amazing. But the noise is extremely frustrating and until I am able to afford an additional outboard preamp I cannot record decent audio with my microphone through this interface.

Well maybe it's for the best because now I'm in the market for a Neve or Neve-style 1073 preamp which I believe will have a beneficial impact on the sound of my voice, and I have as my foundation the very clean AD/DA conversion the interface provides. But for now I will not be recording through the 4Pre, which was half the reason I bought it in the first place. Anyhow, hopefully this review gives a balancing perspective on the otherwise truly excellent Focusrite Clarett+ 4Pre audio interface. Cheers and keep making great sound!
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Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Great high quality interface
Birdy  20.04.2023
Great sounding interface, high quality quiet preamps, great headphone amps, smooth sturdy knobs, well built.
Basically all of the important stuff is high quality, I won't go into details about it.

The Focusrite Control Software is great and very flexible.
However the text is tiny and there's no option to resize it.
If you're using a 4K monitor, it's gonna be very hard for you to read it.
I hope they update it in the future.

It's a bit strange you can't control the main outputs through the Focusrite Control software, apparently because the physical volume knob on the interface is a digital encoder and not a potentiometer, but still it feels like they could've solved it with a software update if they wanted to.

I was a bit surprised there's no built in loopback, especially considering the Scarlett range has it.
You can create your own loopback by sending outputs 3-4 to your SPDIF output and connecting that into your SPDIF input.
That of course will disable you 3-4 outputs from any other use, but you can switch between different setups in the Focusrite Control software pretty easily and quickly.
The phone app is also a nice bonus.

Also, the air mode really does sound different than the Scarlett range.

Overall great interface with great performance, despite the few quirks.
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