Global Truss F34 Smart PA-Tower; complete PA-Tower; easy to set up; Based on the Multi-Tower-Basement the tower can be built with standard trussing like the F34 or F34P series. Only the return sheave for the top-section is needed. Therefore unnecessary special parts in stock are avoided.; The outriggers of the basement can be attached in two different directions; The self-weight of the PA system can be calculated as live load. The ballasting is therefore affected by the hung load; Incl. Proof of stability; No construction booklet needed; Techn. Data:; Load capacity: 300 kg; Maxmimum wind load: 1,5 m²; Height: 4,95 m; Delivery without motor or chain hoist;
Global Truss F34 Smart PA-Tower; complete PA-Tower; easy to set up; Based on the Multi-Tower-Basement the tower can be b...
Global Truss MTB PIN16-V2 16mm inc. R-Clip Goupille axe en acier avec sécurité en R pour la sortie * Convient pour MTB A...
Global Truss MTB PIN16-V1 16mm inc. R-Clip Axe en acier avec goupille en R * Goupille en R * Convient pour MTB OUT (Art....
Global Truss MTB Multi-Tower-Basement Base de structure * Convient pour les supports au sol, les toits de scène ou encor...
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