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Saz 150BM Cura



  • Corps en charme
  • Table en épicéa
  • Manche en charme
  • Sillet supérieur en buis
  • Chevilles en charme
  • Finition: Vernis polyester mat
  • Médiator (Mizrap) incl.
Référencé depuis Septembre 2016
Numéro d'article 393310
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Divan sazı Non
Saz à manche long Non
Saz à manche court Non
Cura Oui
Avec système de micro? Non
Accordage Sol, Ré, La
Bois de la table Epicéa
Corps Hêtre blanc
Touche Hêtre blanc
Avec housse? Non
86 €
Envoi gratuit et TVA incluse.
Disponible sous 1-2 semaines
Disponible sous 1-2 semaines

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11 Évaluations des clients

4.3 / 5

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Qualité de fabrication

5 Commentaires

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nplvsth 06.07.2021
Il n'y a pas de mediator inclus (c'est un mediator spécifique au saz)
Et il est également beaucoup plus petit que ce que je pensais (on dirait un jouet) ; donc assurez vous d'avoir conscience de la taille qu'il fait .
Sinon le reste semble ok .
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Ok for the price but better strings won't fit without drilling.
TrEr 27.07.2020
The first one I got was smashed to bits. No wonder when they are shipped inside a VERY flimsy "gig bag" with only a thin plastic bag on the outside. No cardboard box.

Thomann kindly replaced the broken one but shipped the second one in the exact same way. By some miracle it arrived in one piece.

It's a decent instrument for the price but the stock strings aren't the best. When trying to replace them with better strings (the ones recommended by Thomann) I got a problem. The better quality strings were too thick for the holes in the body of the instrument. New holes had to be drilled and although this might not seem like a huge problem it was actually not that easy. Clamping down the instrument and using a heavy electrical hand held drill is far from ideal for this kind of precision work on a rather flimsy instrument. The right tools for this kind of work is definitely not something you will find in a regular hardware store.

I somehow managed to make it work but I was really close to ruining the instrument in the process.

It's a decent sounding instrument for the price but unless you are prepared to use the cheaper, thinner strings you might have a problem.

Tuning stability on mine is awful but I wasn't expecting it to be much better at this price.

As something fun to have around the studio I'm reasonably happy with it but it's not exactly pro level quality. At least mine isn't. I expect they can vary a bit at this price.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Great setup
Del001 21.01.2019
Playable out of the box wonderful instrument

Very low action tuning pege work a treat
Strings are very thin bought a set 651a saz strings
But they look heavier guage havent tried fitting them yet
They might be ok
Overall a very nice instrument that is easy to tune and play
Cannot fault it
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google translate es
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Opción barata para probar algo distinto
Kalandra 18.10.2020
La construcción del instrumento es básica, no tiene defectos pero tampoco es una maravilla. No es un instrumento profesional, incluso tampoco diría que para practicar día a día, es más bien para tener otro instrumento de cuerda con el que tocar sonidos distintos y jugar un poco. Como contra la posición de los trastes no está bien ajustada y muchas posiciones no dan el sonido que debería, hay que ajustarlas a mano.
Qualité de fabrication
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