I swapped this in my Epiphone Traditional Pro goldtop.
The standard pickups were just too hot for me and i wanted to change them. As a huge fan of the tone of the Billy Gibbons my choice of which pickups to get was not hard.
The tone of the pickups are vintage, and very defined an clear. You can hear all notes in a chord, it does not become a blur, and the tone is very sweet.
Installation was not hard at all, as long as you know how to read a diagram and when you know how to opperate a soldering iron.
They are 4-wire pickups, so you can coilsplit them as well.
These are not the cheapest pu's but they are worth the money.
If i ever needed to swap pu's again in anyof my LP style guitars, i would buy them again, and i would recommend these pu's to any of my friends. (and to all of you reading this)