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Dès que vous bougez l'instrument ou que vous tapez à côté de l?émetteur c'est un tremblement de terre car c'est très réactif (à la fois je suis trop nerveux) ...
Qualité de fabrication
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Anonyme 26.07.2016
Acheté pour la sonorisation d'une guitare classique, le rendu est plutôt décevant...
Un volume sonore trop peu audible qui nous oblige à pousser le fader de la table de mixage à fond pour se faire entendre...
Une installation peu pratique et de la partie collante qui ne colle pas bien...
Bref, c'est pas chère, mais c'est pas top, surtout pour du live...
Acheté pour la sonorisation d'une guitare classique, le rendu est plutôt décevant...
Un volume sonore trop peu audible qui nous oblige à pousser le fader de la table de mixage à fond pour se faire entendre...
Une installation peu pratique et de la partie collante qui ne colle pas bien...
Bref, c'est pas chère, mais c'est pas top,
Acheté pour la sonorisation d'une guitare classique, le rendu est plutôt décevant...
Un volume sonore trop peu audible qui nous oblige à pousser le fader de la table de mixage à fond pour se faire entendre...
Une installation peu pratique et de la partie collante qui ne colle pas bien...
Bref, c'est pas chère, mais c'est pas top, surtout pour du live...
Qualité de fabrication
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Nico bass 27.09.2018
Fait son travail avec un niveau de sortie assez faible
il faut trouver la meilleure position ce qui influe très nettement sur la qaulité du son
jack femelle assez raide
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Good quality sound for a great price.
Daniel O. 142 23.05.2013
I considered other pickups before settling for the SH713. It's a great value pickup and reproduces the sound of my nylon string guitar very well.
Had to extend the cable to allow me to fit the pickup comfortably inside the guitar. I would recommend using thin double sided tape instead of the included adhesive as this helps the pickup in sensing the vibrations from the soundboard.
It is worth positioning the pickups outside the soundboard first, before sticking them in place inside. Spend some time finding the best position for each transducer and it will help give you the best possible results. I have one transducer on the treble side of the bridge plate, one in the very center (half way between the bridge and sound hole) for the middle frequencies, and one on the bass side of the bridge plate for low end harmonics. A preamp is probably the best way to boost the signal from the transducer, however I have no problems plugging straight into my amp (Marshall AS100D). I would advise a graphic EQ unit/pedal or similar to remove feedback, especially if fitted into a small guitar; feedback will occur with all transducers fitted internally but the SH713 is very sensitive to even slight harmonics.
Overall a great purchase for acoustic guitar, and probably any other acoustic instrument. Would highly recommend.
I considered other pickups before settling for the SH713. It's a great value pickup and reproduces the sound of my nylon string guitar very well.
Had to extend the cable to allow me to fit the pickup comfortably inside the guitar. I would recommend using thin double sided tape instead of the included adhesive as this helps the pickup in sensing the
I considered other pickups before settling for the SH713. It's a great value pickup and reproduces the sound of my nylon string guitar very well.
Had to extend the cable to allow me to fit the pickup comfortably inside the guitar. I would recommend using thin double sided tape instead of the included adhesive as this helps the pickup in sensing the vibrations from the soundboard.
It is worth positioning the pickups outside the soundboard first, before sticking them in place inside. Spend some time finding the best position for each transducer and it will help give you the best possible results. I have one transducer on the treble side of the bridge plate, one in the very center (half way between the bridge and sound hole) for the middle frequencies, and one on the bass side of the bridge plate for low end harmonics. A preamp is probably the best way to boost the signal from the transducer, however I have no problems plugging straight into my amp (Marshall AS100D). I would advise a graphic EQ unit/pedal or similar to remove feedback, especially if fitted into a small guitar; feedback will occur with all transducers fitted internally but the SH713 is very sensitive to even slight harmonics.
Overall a great purchase for acoustic guitar, and probably any other acoustic instrument. Would highly recommend.