I didn't think about the orientation of the pins when I ordered it. When I connected them to my Yamaha MG12XU mixer, the cables draped across the mixer board and covered the stereo out jacks, the phones jack and the footswitch jack. I had thought the cable would just go backwards off the mixer. Problem. In the end, I conducted surgery (without anesthesia for myself). After opening the female end of the cable, I was able to reorient the connector, rotate part of the assembly and using a Dremel tool and a cut off wheel grind a notch in the aluminum which allowed the cover to slide back into place properly and fully. Not fun, not fast, dangerous and of course I wore eye protection. Success. Now the cable connected to the right output (I didn't need to operate with the Dremel tool on that one but I did have to open up and reorient the connector) comes off at a right angle to the mixer and doesn't cover up any other jacks. After the Dremel surgery, the cable on the left output comes off the mixer on an angle still but doesn't cover up any other jacks. So problem solved. Not a surgery for the weak of heart.