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Yamaha Pacifica 112V VW RL


Guitare électrique

  • Corps en aulne
  • Manche en érable satiné
  • Touche en palissandre
  • 22 frettes
  • Diapason: 648 mm (25,5")
  • 2 micros simple bobinage Alnico
  • 1 micro double bobinage Alnico
  • Sélecteur 5 positions
  • 1 réglage de volume
  • 1 réglage de tonalité Push/Pull (Coil Tap)
  • Vibrato style Vintage
  • Couleur: Vintage White
  • Heure de leçon à distance à l'école de musique Yamaha incl.
Référencé depuis Février 2021
Numéro d'article 514390
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Couleur Vintage White
Corps Aulne
Table d'harmonie Aucune
Manche Erable
Touche Palissandre
Frettes 22
Diapason 648 mm
Micros HSS
Vibrato Vintage
Housse incluse Non
Étui inclus Non
289 €
Envoi gratuit et TVA incluse.
Disponible sous 3-4 semaines
Disponible sous 3-4 semaines

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12 Évaluations des clients

4.3 / 5

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Qualité de fabrication

8 Commentaires

Bien mais pas top
Inconnu 31.12.2022
Pour faire vite :
- micros faiblards
- électronique défaillante (potards bruyants quand on les tourne)
- injouable à la réception (buz sur presque toutes les frettes) : j'ai dû régler toute la guitare (heureusement que je ne suis pas un débutant car sinon j'aurais été dégouté).

Verdict : pour 300 euros, il n'y a pas de miracle. Bien réglée c'est une guitare correcte.
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Parfait pour débuté
Loup30130 14.10.2022
Je conseille au débutant
Bonne qualité
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
World Class Guitar
Bernard Schlesinger 28.05.2022
I was shopping around for a lower price guitar to keep me playing whilst staying in a tiny studio for 4 months. I didn't want to bring my Strat for fear of it going missing !
For the money, the competition is Ibanez and the 'Harley Benton' range. Sorry but I cant get past this dumb name, Harley - Like Harley Davidson, a not cool motorcycle brand owned by old men who don't ride them, just clean them with toothbrushes and 'Benton' An English butler perhaps. It has to be the worst name of any guitar brand anywhere. Rant over.
This Yamaha is amazing, I'm a semi pro player and play a lot of different guitars, mainly acoustic, switching to electrics for a few weeks here and there. The build is ace, the neck is a little thin for me and the low e kept popping over the fretboard, I play 11's and this helped, plus an adjustment to playing style. It is snug on an open a chord (when playing fingerstyle) also and I do not have large fingers. So there is a need for accuracy and some muscle memory. Soundwise, the pick-up selecter delivers a great range of contrast. I didn't bother with the trem arm as I don't use them and this guitar stays in perfect tune.
I do have an earthing issue, but cannot address this in my current location, it may well need a solder but I'll find out when I move into my next permanent address. I always know if the problem is something that needs further attention Thomann will help. For now I can work around this and am successfully recording projects in Logic with this guitar. For the money I cannot fault this guitar, it could easily be 2 times the price and still be good value. I made the right decision.
update - It had to go back to Thomann as the neck problems were not down to my technique, rather a poorly aligned neck, also the earthing problem was chronic. Thomann agreed and replaced it, I have the new one now and I like it even more.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
needed extra setup
apos 06.04.2022
I had to work on the strings, the isolation and the tremolo on first setup quite a lot. But it is gorgeous for its price. Should have gone for the wood finish though
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