The trusted design of the AKG headphones produces a comfort second to none. It is night and day in comparison to my Grado. The leather headband was smooth day one, and did not produce any discomfort. Earcups are larger than my ears, perfect.
Sound quality is perfect for me. Even with Spotify, details are heard that were totally invisible through my Sony MDR-7506. The stereo scene is truely great, not pressurized as in the closed back Sony. They of course leak a lot as every open back headphones do.
Curled cable is a bit stiff, but nice and feel sturdy. Straight cable with 3m is a bit long for my use, but feels smoother.
As usual for headphones, be sure to feed them with a source impedance around 8 times less than the impedance of the headphones. These, at 62 Ohms, are rather stringent regarding this. Check your headphones output or source impedance on your interface/amp/portable before committing. Sadly, this info is seldom given in the figures. Power output is not everything here.
Mine are fed with a homemade headphones amp that has a source impedance of 0.015 Ohms, plenty of power, and incorporates a crossfeed filter for good measure ;-). The sound is amazing through that one. I didn't took the time to test it directly on the Macbook output.
Next step will be an SPL Phonitor x, so as to be able to switch between headphones and monitors easily, with the best quality possible on both use.