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Neve 8816 Summing Mixer


Mixeur sommateur

  • 16 canaux avec entrées auxiliaires supplémentaires
  • Commutateurs Level, Pan, Solo et Mute
  • Les paramètres peuvent être stockés sur PC ou Mac via USB
  • Circuit amplificateur typique Neve
  • Différentes options de commutation d'insert
  • Point d'insert fixe dans la somme
  • Signal central et latéral spécial - insert Send Return
  • Fonction Solo In Place
  • Contrôle exclusif de la largeur stéréo (Stereo width)
  • Contrôles Monitor et Cue séparés
  • Connexions: sorties Main et Alt Speaker, micro talkback et sortie casque
  • Carte de sortie numérique 113677 optionnelle non fournie
  • Format rack 2 U avec alimentation spéciale blindée, sorties symétriques par transformateur
Référencé depuis Août 2007
Numéro d'article 113675
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Canaux utilisables simultanément 16
Compatible 110V Oui
Type de connexion d'entrée Sub-D
Insert Oui
Panorama Oui
Sorties directes Non
Nombre de sorties stéréo 6
Indicateur de niveau Oui
Format 19" Oui
3.099 €
Tous les prix TVA incl. (TTC)
Disponible sous 4-5 semaines
Disponible sous 4-5 semaines

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17 Évaluations des clients

4.8 / 5

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10 Commentaires

Une vraie différence
Anonyme 13.10.2015
Dans une configuration qui passe de la sommation numérique à travers un séquenceur à une configuration avec sommation externe le changement de qualité est réellement ressenti.

Ouverture de l'image stereo renforcée, présence renforcée, et donc le travail du mix n'en n'est que plus confortable.

Avec un compresseur 3 bandes TubeTech en insert, je profite pleinement d'une qualité de son d'un niveau supérieur à ma précédente configuration.

Merci aux équipes de Thomann toujours très efficace!
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Superb sound
santamorphic 06.05.2015
The AMS Neve 8816 Summing Mixer proved to me that an analogue summing mixer genuinely does create a warmer, glued mixdown. I did wonder whether it was a case of The Emperor's New Clothes, but I genuinely believe that sound of the mixdown is better when passed through the 8816.

They have crammed a lot into a small box here and there are some compromises in doing that. All the knobs are really close together and some of them wobble a little. Not whatI would expect for the price - though it did not have any adverse effect on the sound (no crackle with the movement).

The width control is great. It's a bit of a mystery what it does. Maybe a little bit of M/S control and maybe a little compression(?) somewhere, but just adding the tiniest little width makes a Stereo mix-down sound magically better. Some might say, if I knew how to I could do that inside the box with digital tools. Maybe so. But I don't know how to make it sound just like that with just a little tweak of the knob.

Other than the wobbliness in some of the knobs the only other thing I got frustrated with was the USB-based recall software. I've had to flash the firmware in the 8816 a number of times because it loses contact with the computer. I don't know whether other people have experienced this or whether it is my setup, but the software side feels a little Heath Robinson. A chinagraph pencil could however probably be adequate to mark levels on the knobs for recall later.

Great summing mixer!
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Almost perfect!! Some defects but sounds phenomenal
SkyStudio 06.10.2019
So, I put up with a lot of crap from this old machine, but I still use it on all my mixes because it just does such a good job.
The PAN and Gain pots don’t zero out perfectly. No indent.
The software hardly works.
BUT..... holy carp Batman this this sounds so amazing!

I wish AMS Neve would simply update the software to help implement all the features I’m missing. That would be fine. Let me setup my own profile by entering the values I need, and then load it into the the console using the manual recall system. I’ve told them. I even offered to do the programming. They don’t seem interested, which is sad considering how great and timeless this product is and how friggin’ expensive. But, I still can’t finish a mix without it.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
The Sound
Batuta 19.02.2020
This Mixer is fundamental for everyone that needs to reach a professional sound for the industry! the summing technique with this, makes all the difference on your tracks! with the exact size, and the basic operation, you can do wonderful mixes in such a reduced level of peripherals! great price! wonderful sound! great deal!
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