Aquila Supernylgut Arabic Oud Strings, complete set of strings for oud, for Arabic tuning (c'c'; gg; dd; AA; FF; CC), standard tension (3.4 kg average for each string), treble strings made of Supernylgut, bass strings made with silver-plated copper winding, 3rd string wound with a special grey colored metal blend, made in Italy.
Aquila Red Series Arabic Oud Strings Jeu de 11 cordes * Pour oud arabe * Accordage: Do, Fa/Fa, La/La, Ré/Ré, Sol/sol, Do...
Aquila Red Series Iraqi Oud Strings Jeu de 11 cordes * Pour oud irakien * Accordage: Fa, La/La, Ré/Ré, Sol/sol, Do/Do, F...
Aquila Red Series Turkish Oud Strings Jeu de 11 cordes * Pour oud turc * Accordage: Mi, La/La, Si/Si, Mi/Mi, La/La, Ré/R...
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