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Behringer Studio XL


Interface audio 2x4 USB 2.0 avec préamplis micro MIDAS

  • Contrôleur de monitoring studio avec VCA stéréo tracking
  • Conversion AN/NA : 24bit / 44.1 - 192 kHz
  • Deux préamplis micro Midas avec alimentation fantôme +48V
  • Avec réglage de volume master, sélecteur de source et commutateur de monitoring
  • Fonction talkback avec microphone intégré ainsi qu'entrée microphone externe avec pédale et réglage de niveau
  • Contrôle VCA pour le réglage de niveau et le tracking stéréo
  • Avec fonction mono, mute et dim
  • Zero-Latency Direct Monitoring
  • Double affichage LED
  • Deux amplificateurs de casque avec commandes de volume séparées et sélecteur de source
  • Trois sorties de moniteur indépendantes pour le raccordement de deux paires de moniteurs supplémentaires
  • Entrée Aux pour le raccordement de sources externes
  • Réponse en fréquence : 20 Hz à 20 kHz
  • SNR : <-90dBu RMS
  • THD+N : <0,01% @ 1 kHz
  • 2x entrées combo micro/ligne (XLR/jack)
  • 4x entrées ligne symétriques ou asymétriques (jack 6,3 mm)
  • 1x entrée stéréo (mini-jack 3,5 mm)
  • 1x entrée talkback (XLR)
  • 1x entrée footswitch (jack 6,3 mm)
  • 5x sorties moniteur stéréo symétriques ou asymétriques (jack 6,3 mm)
  • 2x sorties casque (jack 6,3 mm)
  • USB Class Compliant
  • Alimentation via l'adaptateur secteur fourni : 12V CC 2000 mA
  • Convient pour Windows 10 et Mac OSX 10.14 ou supérieur
  • Dimensions (H x L x P) : 80 x 328 x 163 mm
  • Poids : 1,8 kg
Référencé depuis Janvier 2022
Numéro d'article 524691
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Canaux enregistrement/lecture 2x4
Nombre d'entrées microphone 2
Nombre d'entrées ligne 6
Nombre d'entrées instrument 6
Nombre de sorties ligne 10
Sorties casque 2
Alimentation fantôme Oui
Connexions S/PDIF 0
Connexions ADAT 0
Connexions AES/EBU 0
Connexions MADI 0
Ethernet 0
Autres interfaces Aucune
Interface MIDI Non
Word Clock Non
Fréquence d'échantillonnage max. kHz 192 kHz
Définition max en bit 24 bit
Alimentation via USB Non
Alimentation incluse Oui
Version USB 2.0
Largeur en mm 328 mm
Profondeur en mm 163 mm
Hauteur en mm 80 mm
Nombre de paires d´enceintes connectables 3
Sortie(s) casque 2
Fonction Talkback 1
Convertisseur AN/NA intégré 1
Vu-mètre 1
Nombre d'entrées 2-Track 0
Format de l´appareil Boîtier
Taille 80 x 328 x 163 mm
Poids 1,8 kg
Contenu de la boîte Câble USB, bloc d'alimentation
Monitoring zéro latence 1
Afficher plus
190 €
Envoi gratuit et TVA incluse.
Disponible sous 5-7 semaines
Disponible sous 5-7 semaines

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18 Évaluations des clients

4.4 / 5

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12 Commentaires

parfaite !
violinwithben 18.11.2022
pour le prix la meilleure carte semi pro du marché, le son est fantastique, en plus pré amp Midas sur sortie 1/2, des controles physiques sur chaques E/S, le bouiton volume high tech super smooth et precis, le cha,gement par rapport a une Focusrite du meme prix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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john bogota 04.01.2025
un achat bien utile indispensable a ma configue
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Nifty Controller
JimsabesT 21.07.2022
I decided to purchase the Behringer Studio XL Controller to allow me to select my recently purchased PreSonus Eris E5 XT studio monitors to listen back through. I also have a power amp driving two 12" X 1" speakers. Not being sure on how to connect everything to the Studio XL, I contacted one of the advisors at Thomann. The technical advice and assistance I received from the Thomann Advisor was astounding and I proceeded with confidence to order the controller and cabling to allow me set up my new piece of kit. Delivery of my goods were extremely fast. I excitedly opened my package from Thomann and within a couple of hours I had everything up and running. Aesthetically, the Behringer controller is very pleasing on the eye and has good quality knobs and buttons which eluminate varying colours of orange, green and red as they are activated. the number of input options are perfect and facilitate my small home studio needs. The monitor outputs allow me to have my PreSonus speakers active. I can also have my power amp playing back at the same time. I can feed the output as said to both or to one whichever I prefer. There is still room for two more sets of monitors at my disposal. Other features include a talkback facility, 2-track input, an USB input as well as direct monitoring through two sets of headphones. In conclusion, I am so happy with my choice of controllers. It is a powerful tool to have in a studio and I would have no hesitation in recommending the Behringer Studio XL Controller to anyone considering its addition to their setup. Again, well done Thomann for bringing top quality audio hardware to me, I have been purchasing from Thomann for a long time now and the service they provide is beyond par.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
midros 16.02.2022
Although I was very skeptical about purchasing a Behringer product (I was disappointed in the past) , I decided to buy the studio XL since there was nothing else with all the features I needed, regardless of the price. And I didn't regret it at all.

This product is great. Monitor controller and audio interface at the same time in an unbeatable price. Very good built quality and nice sound. All line-ins are both balanced and unbalanced. High-Z eqt can also be connected in the two combo inputs and ASIO software driver (win 10) is great. Even in a ten years old PC there is no latency with the default settings. It can be used as a stand alone analog mixer/preamplifier.

The only con is that when you switch on or off the device, there is a small pop sound in the speakers if they are already powered on. If they are in standby state, they don't wake up so there is no sound.

If there was at least one digital input (even with a higher price) and a pair of XLR outputs, Studio XL would be absolutely perfect for me. (but these are things I knew in advance so no complaints). Be aware that if you want to use jack to XLR adapters, you can not, since there is not enough space.

I would also like to mention my communication with the Behringer staff. They responded fast and accurate in my questions before the purchase.

Thomann service unbeatable as always. Fastest dispatch ever.
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