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Good alternative to the classical Rovner dark ligature
Diego dA. 20.01.2022
I have become a big fan of Rovner "dark" ligatures, and this one from BG is quite similar to them. It manages to keep the reed firmly and is easily put on thanks to its single screw. It is also very cheap compared to some other fancier ligatures. Compared to the Rovner dark, however, I noticed a small defect. The Rovner product has two tiny pieces of leather just below the screw, which avoid that the mouthpiece gets scratched by the the knurling of the screw in case you are using the ligature very opened (e.g. if you have a very large mouthpiece, or if you are adapting an alto lig to a very narrow tenor mouthpiece). Apart from the latter minor point, it works just fine. And the golden screw and logo look pretty!
I have become a big fan of Rovner "dark" ligatures, and this one from BG is quite similar to them. It manages to keep the reed firmly and is easily put on thanks to its single screw. It is also very cheap compared to some other fancier ligatures. Compared to the Rovner dark, however, I noticed a small defect. The Rovner product has two tiny pieces of leather just
I have become a big fan of Rovner "dark" ligatures, and this one from BG is quite similar to them. It manages to keep the reed firmly and is easily put on thanks to its single screw. It is also very cheap compared to some other fancier ligatures. Compared to the Rovner dark, however, I noticed a small defect. The Rovner product has two tiny pieces of leather just below the screw, which avoid that the mouthpiece gets scratched by the the knurling of the screw in case you are using the ligature very opened (e.g. if you have a very large mouthpiece, or if you are adapting an alto lig to a very narrow tenor mouthpiece). Apart from the latter minor point, it works just fine. And the golden screw and logo look pretty!
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Geht so.
Der Wilk 19.11.2020
Die Verarbeitung ist so lala.
Das Kunstleder hatte bei meiner Ligaur einen Knick. Dieser ist vermutlich Verarbeitungsbedingt entstanden.
Die Ligatur tut was sie soll jedoch musste ich die Schraube bearbeiten damit die sie nicht das Mundstück beschädigt von daher geht so
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Otra abrazadera
Eduard882 12.03.2015
Realmente no creo que las abrazaderas cambien el sonido. Compre esta para probar. Ni me gusta ni no me gusta, es solo una abrazadera mas. Su punto fuerte es que una vez la pones antes de apretar la caña, esta no se mueve y permanece en su sitio.