I'll skip the review part, I'll just address the folks who have had intonation problems. You might have intonation problems out of the box. No problem. First, adjust the rear screw on the bridge to where you have a decent break angle between the tailpiece and the bridge. Google "break angle-guitar bridge" if you don't know what that is. Next, with a digital tuner, adjust the two front screws to situate where the "buzz" happens. The bridge is made of what are basically long trays upon which the strings buzz. Where that buzz happens along the length of the tray determines the scale length and thus the intonation. Once you understand that principle, it's a pretty easy job to dial it in. My bridge was waayyy sharp but it only took me about 10 minutes to get it just about perfect. It even made the string height better.
As for a review, suffice to say that it does what it is supposed to do, the build quality is fine and it is quite comfortable to play. No quibbles here.
Hope this helps.