My need for an octave pedal is unusual... it's for a Mayones Cali4 mini-bass, which is like the 2nd octave of a full-size bass. I tried about 4 other pedals and did not like the sound at all. Another, I did like the sound but it was "glitchy" in key parts of the fretboard. With the EBS, I can hold notes anywhere and they don't glitch. Actually, you can make it glitch, but you can also make it not glitch, you have to learn how to use it a bit. I love an almost fully clean tone, with the octave at about 3:00 and the normal at about 10:00. This gives clean depth and some high tone. If you judge a pedal by how much fun it is to use, and how it helps your creativity, then this is a winner. It gives a little bit of a chorus effect between the normal note and the low octave, but you hear it much more when playing alone, and not so much when other instruments are involved. I really like the pedal, and having a 9V battery option is great for the mini-setup and fun on the move.