I've been desiring a 7 String bass for almost a decade and I finally saw this one! Its price is not cheap, but it is reasonable in my view, specially considering what you get!
The bass is amazingly comfortable, not specially heavy considering its neck's size and very beautiful... The sound is amazing, really amazing. If I ignore the two higher Strings it is like playing a regular 5 String bass, no greater effort needed if set on the right height (which, for me, has to be a little higher than the height I use on other basses). The higher strings sound very beautiful, harp like when arpeggiated. The sound possibilities are very versatile, specially with the mid frequency 3 way toggle, it can richly increase the higher mids or sinisterly scoop the sound.
The only difficulty I had is to access the upper frets in the lower B and E Strings without taking my thumb from its correct position. My hands are not that big, nor that small, maybe with time it would become more natural.
I wanted a 7 string mainly to play it like a pseudo-piano with 2 hand tapping, but I also like to play Metal, with influences from Steve Harris, Steven DiGiorgio and Ryan Martinie. This bass can do all I ever dreamed, I really love it!
Most difficult was to find. a case for it, I had to go with an Ibanez soft case/bag, there is also a hardshell one.