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IGS Audio Rubber Bands 500


Égaliseur passif - format série 500

  • Transfo Carnhill en entrée et sortie
  • Potentiomètres pour HC (High Cut), HB (boost aigus), pente, réduction des basses et BB (boost basses)
  • Commutateur de dérivation Bypass
  • Format Mosule API 500


  • HC: 6, 10, 20 kHz
  • HB: 5, 6, 10, 12, 16 kHz
  • BB / BC: 20, 40, 60, 100, 180, 240 Hz
Référencé depuis Août 2014
Numéro d'article 346299
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Pré-ampli Non
Alimentation fantôme 48V Non
Compresseur Non
Limiteur Non
Egaliseur Oui
De-esser Non
Processeurs divers Non
Rack/Chassis Non
Accessoire Non
679 €
Envoi gratuit et TVA incluse.
Disponible rapidement (2 à 5 jours)
Disponible rapidement (2 à 5 jours)

Ce produit a été commandé et nous sera livré dans les jours prochains.

Informations sur l'expédition

2 Évaluations des clients

4.5 / 5

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1 Commentaire

google translate hu
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Nice 500 series Pultec EQ!
NagyLaci 13.07.2024
fun fact: I own the exact product, that is on the pictures!

Tiny Pultec EQ with really tiny knobs. If you're a bass player with stubby fingers as me, you will find it quite hard to dial the settings, but you can get used to it, in this size it's normal.

- typical Pultec Boost-Cut effect
- even if 0dB boost and cut, the transformer colors the sound a bit, makes the input sound bigger and fatter. Expect a bit of analogue-style mid-cut in the overall sound

- I REALLY miss 3kHz boost... the lowest frequency is 5k, even on the other Pultec-style products of IGS
- the Low Boost really boosts the signal. It scaled up to 10, and I find 1 is fairly enough in most cases. Although I found even if turning up the High boost to 10 doesn't makes it sound harsh
- expect a signal boost of 4-5dB (depending on your settings). So gain staging is mandatory, this unit is loud!

Overall I really like it, using it a lot! Perhaps a bit less boost in the Low Boost would make the unit more versatile. I feel I won't turn it up more than about 3, it gets really loud in the low end.
Qualité de fabrication
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