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Roland R-07 black

23 Évaluations des clients

4.3 / 5

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Qualité de fabrication

17 Commentaires

Roland R-07 black
234 €
Tous les prix TVA incl. (TTC)
Disponible immédiatement
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Informations sur l'expédition
Roland R-07
The Dr God Corporation 19.04.2018
I have an Edirol R-09HR (Roland) which has given robust and loyal service up until the screen started to become indistinct with grey vertical lines etc.
So- the Roland was the obvious answer - a bit plasticy, don't drop it Louis!!, must use a telephone charger on the micro-USB socket on stage (have to buy a long cable - 30¤ and use a charger) BUT with the iphone app. (excellent, the blue tooth actually seems to work - gasp!) it is very easy to use, so far, good quality recordings, practice button very good function, micro SD card a pain in the ass.
Long term evaluation will have to wait but it is not expensive compared to its predecessor - watch this space as accessories not available directly (mike stand adapter, protective case (not the flimsy plastic thing supplied)) and longevity in a band environment.......
Qualité de fabrication
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Roland R-07 black