A great tool for timbrical experimentation. Lots of interesting textures out of the box, plus all the samples you might want to add. The ability to granulate live audio allows for some nifty tricks, such as making a mono audio signal both polyphonic and stereo. The small form factor may be a put-off for some people and a bonus for others. In my case it was meant to be part of a portable setup, so it's OK. The small box means audio and MIDI ins and outs are 3'5'' jacks, which is workable yet not that ideal. Having said that, the tiny screen it is very responsive and makes the most of the synth (and I have big clumsy fingers), which is totally usable standalone and in a live situation. Of course most parameters are midi-controllable anyway. Given the fatness of the sound, 4 voices of polyphony are enough. Easy to learn and control, and tons of inspirational sounds.