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Line6 Pod GO Wireless


Pédalier multi-effets

  • Pour guitare électrique
  • Avec émetteur Relay G10TII
  • Plus de 300 effets et modèles des séries Helix, M et Legacy
  • Jusqu'à 6 modèles d'amplificateurs, de baffles et d'effets utilisables simultanément
  • Simulation de looper et baffle (chargement IR tiers) incl.
  • Pédale d'expression intégrée
  • Design compact et léger
  • Application d'édition POD Go gratuite
  • Contrôles: Interval, Cents, Delay, Shiftlevel, Mix, Menu, Save, Volume
  • Commutateurs au pied: Up, Down, A, B, C, D, Mode, Tap/Tuner
  • LEDs de statut
  • Ecran LCD couleur 4,3"
  • Entrée guitare sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Connexion EXP 2/Footswitch sur Jack stéréo 6,3 mm
  • Send & Return sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Sorties Main Left & Right sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Sortie Amp sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Sortie casque sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Port USB type B
  • Connexion pour alimentation secteur sur prise cylindrique 2,1 x 5,5 mm, polarité négative à l'intérieur
  • Aucune possibilité de fonctionnement avec pile
  • Bloc d'alimentation 9 V DC avec prise d'alimentation multiple (DE / UK) incl.
  • Consommation de courant: 2500 mA
  • Dimensions: 356 x 225 x 95 mm
Référencé depuis Avril 2021
Numéro d'article 515803
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Type Pédalier
Modélisation d'amplis Oui
Boite à rythme Non
Accordeur incl. Oui
Pédale d'expression Oui
Port USB Oui
Sortie casque Oui
Interface MIDI Non
Sortie ligne Oui
Fonctionnement sur piles Non
Alimentation incluse Oui
B-Stock disponible à partir de 479 €
555 €
Envoi gratuit et TVA incluse.
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Informations sur l'expédition
Expédition estimée le Jeudi, 13.03.

61 Évaluations des clients

4.8 / 5

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34 Commentaires

Plus que le job!
Bigjim54 18.07.2022
Multi effets à la hauteur de mes attentes!
Très Leger et compact, en Utilisation avec casque Marshall pour mes déplacements ou sur tête Marshall MG100 HDFX, le panel de son est largement suffisant allant du son clean au metal bien gras!! entre choix de preamp, amp et baffles + la possibilité de positionner les différentes pédale d'effet avant ou après voir entre l'ampli et le preampli,difficile de ne pas trouver votre son!! De plus le g10II tiens sans problème 7h00 en grattant non stop sans recharger. Oui-oui !!!!
Si je devais lui trouver un défaut, ce serait de ne pas pouvoir charger le g10 et jouer en filiaire en même temps car c'est la même connectique.
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Une tuerie
FayceAstaroth 17.04.2023
J’ai acquis ce pédalier en remplacement d’un vieux et fidèle Pod HD300 qui fini par rendre l’âme après des années de bons et loyaux services.

La claque totale. Les sonorités sont justes hallucinantes.

Il fait passer outre les présets d’usine et créer soit même ses propres presets pour se rendre compte de la qualité des simulations d’amplis et des effets.

Une heure de Tuto sur YouTube permettent d’aller en détail dans la configuration et la maîtrise des possibilités de l’appareil. Bien plus que le pdf sur le site de Line6.

Pas encore utilisé longuement le relais sans-fil car en jouant assis l’adaptateur me gêne. Sur des guitares de type Strat ou SG ca ne posera pas de soucis.

Gros coup de cœur.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Kroventuul 28.05.2021
As I sing in the band and play guitar at the same time changing between multiple pedals was really troublesome and pod go solved this problem with the presets and snapshot modes. It's perfect solution for me in that regard.

1.Sound quality is top notch, preset sounds are kind a meh, but you will get great tone out of it once you put a little effort in.
2.Wireless works just fine, out of the box, plug in and play.
3.Fairly easy to use and learn, there are lot of youtube videos about pod go, so all your questions will be answered.
4.Great price, basically it's stripped down version of Helix(but sounds are the same), so if you are on budget, get this unit and you won't be disappointed.
5. Solid construction and build quality and quite light.


1.I really wish wireless storage could also recharge transmitter, only option is to insert it to guitar input and while it's charging you won't be able to play. Also pod go has to be switched on while charging.
2.If you are heavy FX user, there are only five pedal slots max which you can add and that's why you buy a Helix :) - if you want to stick to one unit.
3. They could add wireless, but not a bluetooth receiver for headphones?
4. I wish there could be a dedicated footswitch for snapshots. Pressing down two switches at the same time is not convenient.

Overall, it's a great product, with insane sound quality and possibilities. Would recommend most definitely!
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Headline :)
Khemu 26.08.2023
pros: great sound, easy to carry around (fits in every normal backpack), easy to edit (even easier with the software)

cons: limited processing capacity if you want more effects (more on that below), wireless connection not perfect but definitly good enough.

I got this as a replacement to my old cheap one from boss which i got in early 2016, about half a year after i started with guitar. I played on a little marshall amp.
My dad has a Line 6 Spider V 60 and a fitting midi floorboard so i was already kind of familiar with the whole setup and knew their modelling amps work.

this pedal board changed everything for me. the amount of sounds you can get out of this is crazy. i play a lot in multiple genres: jazz, rock, pop, metall ... and sometimes i just play clean sounds with an absurd long reverb and then i switch on an overdrive to play a lead ontop.
this machine does everything and i does it great.
the only problem i have is that sometimes i wish i could add more effects. you can jailbreak a preset (youtube is your friend here) easily on pc so you can free up to 3 slots (wah + volume pedal and effect send/return) and add your own configuration. however you could (and most likely will) run out of processing capacity, even without the jailbreak. that little thing can only do so much and the more complex your effects are the faster you will see some effects not being choosable anymore since it would be too much.
however this does not mean that you won't be able to build a lot of setups: you have 128 slots (user presets) and additional 9 (factory presets) available without deleting any of the build in presets. so if you want some more effects on the same preset just copy it to another slot and exchange some effects. alernatively if you already have some effect pedals at home you obviously can put them anywhere with the fx send/return. if you have a pc (and every laptop with win7 or newer does the job) you'll have an even easier time editing the presets. the software is also great for choosing what effect parameter should be on which switch or the pedal on the board and you can even trigger multiple things at once or just change parameters, the possabilities are endless. the colors are also yours to choose so if you don't like the delay to be green than choose another color for it. i personally like the default colors but i like to have some things like high/lowcuts or dB boosts stand out so i find them easier when i need them. for me usually a light blue or a red does the job here but again, it's yours to choose.

I use this not only as an effect pedal but also as an amp, my little marshall amp doesn't get me enough bass :) and also in order to record my guitar into my pc. again, the quality of the sounds is extremely good since it's the exact same effects you get with the helix (just not all of them i think).

This floorboard is portable and i take it with me to school to play in the jazz club once a week and i use it for our shows as well, no problems here. that's what it was designed to do and it does a great job. i just deactivate the internal amp simulation on that one preset and put it before the amp we have in school since im too lazy to connect it to the speakers we have in our music rooms and in the great hall directly (and my teacher probably wouldn't let me either).

if you want a (sort of) cheap pedal board with great sounds and you don't care that it is not perfect since you're not a professional musician than i definitly recommend it. i think that most people who review this as "not good for a big stage" don't get that this product is not for professionals. those people are supposed to buy a helix. this one is for students like myself or for people who play guitar as a hobby and don't want to spend crazy amount of money on gear while having a lot of options.
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