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Prism Sound Lyra 2


Interface audio stéréo

  • Résolution: 24 bit / 192 kHz
  • Port USB 2.0 + Ethernet
  • Pad atténuateur de 20 dB
  • Alimentation fantôme 48V
  • Sortie casque stéréo jack 6,3 mm
  • Logiciel de mixage à faible latence
  • Alimentation interne
  • Pour Win / Mac
  • Pilotes audio ASIO / Core
  • Bouton de veille
  • Dimensions: 288 x 240 x 50 mm (LxPxH)
  • Poids: 2,1 kg


  • 2x entrées micro XLR
  • 2x entrées instrument jack 6,3 mm en façade
  • 2x entrées jack 6,3 mm à l'arrière
  • 4x sorties ligne jack 6,3 mm
  • Entrée et sortie S/PDIF optique et coaxial
  • Port USB 2.0
  • Port Ethernet
  • Entrée et sortie Wordclock
Référencé depuis Mai 2013
Numéro d'article 312285
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Canaux enregistrement/lecture 12x14
Nombre d'entrées microphone 2
Nombre d'entrées ligne 2
Nombre d'entrées instrument 2
Nombre de sorties ligne 4
Sorties casque 1
Alimentation fantôme Oui
Connexions S/PDIF 1
Connexions ADAT 1
Connexions AES/EBU 0
Connexions MADI 0
Ethernet 1
Autres interfaces Aucune
Interface MIDI Non
Word Clock 1xIn, 1xOut
Fréquence d'échantillonnage max. kHz 192 kHz
Définition max en bit 24 bit
Alimentation via USB Non
Alimentation incluse Oui
Version USB 2.0
Largeur en mm 288 mm
Profondeur en mm 240 mm
Hauteur en mm 50 mm
Format de connexion Port USB type B
Contenu de la boîte Câble USB, câble d'alimentation
Monitoring zéro latence 1
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2.590 €
Tous les prix TVA incl. (TTC)
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12 Évaluations des clients

4.8 / 5

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8 Commentaires

Un détail exceptionnel à toutes les fréquences
Phil Baron 30.08.2023
Ce n'est pas l'interface audio-numérique la plus conviviale que j'aie utilisée, mais rien n'est absolument rebutant, et le son (les convertisseurs A/D) est absolument exceptionnel : j'ai gagné un sub détaillé sur mes enceintes de monitoring, et je n'ai jamais mixé plus confortablement et sûrement qu'avec cette boîte.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Best conversion you can get
PortWill 26.07.2022
I have had quite a few DACs and interfaces over the years and all had their flaws and highlights. This is no exception. I made a list of pros and cons after using it for a few months and the cons are considerably longer than the pros. However, the pros are so strong, I could not justify replacing it.

Pros: This is a dream when it comes to conversion. The details and transparency on both AD and DA side of this interface are outstanding. The build quality is outstanding, maybe with the exception of the main volume knob which feels cheap in person. This is a tool and as such it was built with less features and "nice things" than some of my past interfaces.

To name a few cons: there is no delayed relaying when turning it on so if you have a Furman without sequential power on you will hear a loud noise when turning everything on. Same applies to all outputs and inputs which is very annoying. There is no gradual mute/unmute. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to ensure that my settings stay the same every day. I did try following the manual but I cannot get it to work consistently, most days I start by setting everything up again in the Lyra application. Also, I would not bet on this master volume to function for years, it feels cheap for a high-end product but again, you might use it with a monitor controller anyway. It has an ethernet connection on the back which does nothing, I would love to see a Prism monitor controller that could be used through that port and would extend the life of the potentiometers on the device.

Overall, highly suggested, I never heard a converter better than this, so do not have second thoughts if you think about purchasing this.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Mind blowing and all you can wish for.
Bram 020 06.06.2021
Next level conversion and does an incredible job when used for analog clipping. Feeling super confident with this interface and making decisions that translate has never been easier. Would buy it again in a second if it left my studio haha, loving the Lyra 2.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
vins_m 29.04.2021
this interface has one of the best convertes out there and that feature called overkiller make it a step up over almost all the interface in this price range
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