I bought this after buying a second hand selmer privilage. This is the mouth piece that is normally included with the instrument but, as it was second hand so not included. I bought it expecting it to be the best suited to the instrument and, because it has similar characteristics to the mouth piece I normally use (vandoran M13). I was expecting a much better. I appreciate that mouthpieces are subject to personal preferance and whilst some players may find the a perfectly acceptable mouthpiece, I did not. In terms of the positives; tuning and tone were suited to the instrument and the mouthpiece is comfortable. However, the response is poor, the sound was stuffy and, it is hard work. I also found the projection poor in relation to my current mouthpiece ( and previous mouth pieces ). The quality of the corking was not up to scratch and, it required a lot of grease and it still is a poor fit. Overall, I wish I had not bothered buying it.