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Avec la Big SiX, SSL présente le successeur de sa table de mixage studio analogique compact SiX. Mais ce ne sont plus six, mais jusqu’à douze canaux qui peuvent être mixés par la Big SiX. On y retrouve le son classique des principales consoles SSL qui, depuis plus de cinquante ans, se sont installées comme des références dans les plus grands studios d’enregistrement du monde. Les quatre préamplis micros SuperAnalogueTM et leur gain de 72dB ainsi que les quatre canaux SuperAnalogueTM stéréo avec fonction double mono sont tirés des consoles SSL Duality et AWS. Cela permet d’obtenir des enregistrements à faible bruit via quatre canaux micro. Chaque tranche de la console dispose d’un égaliseur 3 bandes des SSL série E. La Big Six offre en outre deux sorties casques indépendantes avec une matrice de sources.
Des entrées variées et futées
Les entrées des tranches micro sont situées sur un renflement sur le haut de la console. Sur chacune, on peut choisir entre une entrée XLR et jack. On peut ainsi sélectionner du niveau ligne, de l’entrée instrument Hi-Z ou enclencher l’alimentation fantôme 48V. On dispose également d’un filtre passe-haut. Ces quatre canaux sont munis de préamplis haute qualité SuperAnalogueTM de SLL qui délivrent un son haut de gamme. Les entrées jacks 6,35mm pour les 8 canaux stéréo se situent à l’arrière. À cela s’ajoutent une entrée pour un micro talkback et deux entrées externes supplémentaires, chacune pouvant être ajoutée à la sortie principale. Celle-ci est munie du compresseur de bus de la série G avec un fonctionnement facile à deux boutons.
Taillée pour le live et le studio
La Big-SiX est idéale pour les enregistrements et la post-production en studio tout comme dans les situations de live. Elle intègre une interface audionumérique 16 canaux travaillant jusqu’à une résolution de 96kHz et 24 bits. Pas de prise de tête pour les réglages : on obtient immédiatement le son SSL grâce à des paramètres fixes comme le compresseur à 2:1 avec un relâchement de 300ms enclenchable sur chaque tranche. Le rapport du compresseur de bus est quant à lui fixé à 4:1 avec un temps de relâchement automatique. Ce mixer est conçu pour une longue durée de vie avec une fabrication solide. L’arrière est équipé de nombreuses connexions rentrées dans un creux de la carcasse, ce qui évite que les câbles ne prennent de l’espace supplémentaire et permet une intégration facile de la console dans n’importe quelle configuration de studio.
A propos de SLL
Solid State Logic (SSL), un fabricant britannique de tables de mixages et de matériel haut de gamme fondé par Colin Sanders en 1969, est basé à Begbroke, dans l'Oxfordshire. La société était initialement spécialisée dans les contrôles à transistors des orgues d'église, d'où le nom de Solid State Logic. À la fin des années 1970, la marche triomphale des grandes consoles de mixage a commencé avec la série 4000. Plus tard, les séries 6000 et 9000 ont toujours été couronnées de succès et utilisées dans d'innombrables studios d'enregistrement du monde entier. En 2005, Peter Gabriel et David Engelke sont devenus propriétaires majoritaires de la société, qui a été vendue au groupe Audiotonix en 2017.
Une console, trois mixages
La Big-SiX permet sur son arrière la connexion de deux systèmes d’enceintes entre lesquels on peut basculer, avec réglage individuel de volume. Les deux bus CUE stéréo sont acheminés vers les deux sorties casques indépendamment du mixage des moniteurs. Le talkback y est également intégré, ce qui permet d’utiliser aussi ces sorties comme monitoring lors d’enregistrements. On peut aussi utiliser le bus B en plus des CUE stéréo. Ceci permet donc de réaliser simultanément jusqu’à 3 mixages différents, avec des fonctions Cut, Dim et Mono précieuses pour le monitoring. Les nombreuses LED donnent une excellente visibilité des réglages et des niveaux d’enregistrement. On dispose d’une fonction pre-fader listen pour régler avec précision les niveaux des canaux SuperAnalogueTM.
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You can route anything anywhere with this. I purchased this after much thoughts on the competition (fully analog mixers) and it appeared the best suit for my needs, even though it was the most expensive alternative.
You can use it as a standalone mixer, a USB sound card with onboard EQ and compression, a 16 channels summing mixer... You can also pair it with another device.
Onboard compressors and fixed frequency eq are really limited, they can be useful for minor adjustments but you will probably need other gear or software for tone shaping, I almost never use them.
The bus compressor on the other hand is almost always on, I use it to glue the mix of 3 microphones on a single guitar speaker and it does bring something. A dedicated button makes it very easy to use the bus compressor as a parallel compressor.
I do miss ADAT expansions, but being on Mac I can work around that with either aggregate devices or Omnibus.
I also miss integrated recording features, but nowadays you can connect the Big Six to a tablet and built a mobile recording setup - although you would probably need external preamps as the Big Six only has 4 (well maybe 5 with the talkback input).
Be aware that in order to take full advantage of this beast you will need lots of cables and a patch bay. That is the main reason I cannot really see it as a mobile mixer. Even with a clean cable management it is a small nightmare to unplug it and re-plug everything. But then people complained about the DB25 on the little Six.
You can route anything anywhere with this. I purchased this after much thoughts on the competition (fully analog mixers) and it appeared the best suit for my needs, even though it was the most expensive alternative.
You can use it as a standalone mixer, a USB sound card with onboard EQ and compression, a 16 channels summing mixer... You can also pair it with
You can route anything anywhere with this. I purchased this after much thoughts on the competition (fully analog mixers) and it appeared the best suit for my needs, even though it was the most expensive alternative.
You can use it as a standalone mixer, a USB sound card with onboard EQ and compression, a 16 channels summing mixer... You can also pair it with another device.
Onboard compressors and fixed frequency eq are really limited, they can be useful for minor adjustments but you will probably need other gear or software for tone shaping, I almost never use them.
The bus compressor on the other hand is almost always on, I use it to glue the mix of 3 microphones on a single guitar speaker and it does bring something. A dedicated button makes it very easy to use the bus compressor as a parallel compressor.
I do miss ADAT expansions, but being on Mac I can work around that with either aggregate devices or Omnibus.
I also miss integrated recording features, but nowadays you can connect the Big Six to a tablet and built a mobile recording setup - although you would probably need external preamps as the Big Six only has 4 (well maybe 5 with the talkback input).
Be aware that in order to take full advantage of this beast you will need lots of cables and a patch bay. That is the main reason I cannot really see it as a mobile mixer. Even with a clean cable management it is a small nightmare to unplug it and re-plug everything. But then people complained about the DB25 on the little Six.
Qualité de fabrication
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Super produit....
yvesbrunet 01.06.2023
Je recommande, c'est une super console !
Qui en même temps fait carte audio de très grande qualité...
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Tickling noise and bad response from SSL support
Maoree 18.04.2022
It was my first serious mixer out of upper price range. And this expirience was really disappointing. I expected to enjoy high quality of SSL products but got an unit with terrible tickling noise problem. As I found on various forums I am not alone and may users around the world had the same trouble. But the most disappointing part of this experience is communication with SSL support as they response very slowly and you can wait for response for a week or more.
So please be aware of this common problem and ask for testing before buying if it is possible.
Nevertheless, the features of this mixing console are awesome and versatile it contains almost all you may want to have and beyond in you home project studio. 16 channel including 4 superanalogue channels with eq and compressor. I guess sound of this mixer is pretty good too if my unit was not faulty. If SSl had proper quality control during production of this product this mixer was the best value you can have for its price.
It was my first serious mixer out of upper price range. And this expirience was really disappointing. I expected to enjoy high quality of SSL products but got an unit with terrible tickling noise problem. As I found on various forums I am not alone and may users around the world had the same trouble. But the most disappointing part of this experience is communication
It was my first serious mixer out of upper price range. And this expirience was really disappointing. I expected to enjoy high quality of SSL products but got an unit with terrible tickling noise problem. As I found on various forums I am not alone and may users around the world had the same trouble. But the most disappointing part of this experience is communication with SSL support as they response very slowly and you can wait for response for a week or more.
So please be aware of this common problem and ask for testing before buying if it is possible.
Nevertheless, the features of this mixing console are awesome and versatile it contains almost all you may want to have and beyond in you home project studio. 16 channel including 4 superanalogue channels with eq and compressor. I guess sound of this mixer is pretty good too if my unit was not faulty. If SSl had proper quality control during production of this product this mixer was the best value you can have for its price.
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
New Studio Hub! BiG SiX Update After Issues with SSL Support and product.
A, G. 12.04.2022
Thomman dropped the package and the main fader was bent I bent it back but it's not great that the handling was neglected. The price of the unit used to be 2555, so its a even better deal now.
I've had the BiG SiX for just over a month now and there's a lot to love. I think the SSL BiG SiX introduced tremendous value into my studio for the cost, allowing it to become the central hub.
I watched a lot of reviews before choosing to get this unit most of the complaints mentioned by reviewers weren't a factor to me in use. In general, it offers me more than I need, but as always could benefit from a few other features found on more typical audio interfaces. (midi, Adat, Second thunderbolt to connect up to two units or some way to expand the unit with other SSL ecosystem products.
Starting with the mic pres, the headroom of the preamps is great they're so clean and sound amazing i noticed an instant difference compared to my old audio interface. The EQs are musical and more versatile than they are limited. The 4 compressors on channels 1-4 are useful sometimes people use compression for the color from the transformers and pushing the saturation and harmonics of a signal but SSL are known for their clean punchy sound, I have Neve preamps and more colorful bus compressors and plenty of plugins that sound great for that stuff. I find the sound of the SSL compliments and tightens up a mix, gluing everything together and having a modern sound. The G comp on the SSL B6 is great as well I know people say that it has fewer features so it's not as good but for a bus compressor I never found I needed crazy high ratios to achieve an effect id rather have that in the box so I can bypass or go back than print that in a hybrid workflow. It has the same G Comp circuit topology and sounds better than some of my other outboard compressors.
Since I'm using mac I made an aggregate device with another audio interface to expand my studio's I/O
Using this as the hub allowed me to get rid of a lot of connections on my patch bay since you just hit a button and go from USB into the SSL six from my daw instead of a traditional audio interface where you would route that into a patch bay
After recording a track I compared the stems printed out through protools using an SSL g bus comp plugin on the master bus, and then bus summing through the SSL B6 using the G series comp (not engaging the EQ or channel comps) I asked people if they could hear the difference, I immediately noticed more stereo width/detail and the higher headroom allows you to push it a bit more while still sounding good. The last annoying thing about the SSL B6 is that the monitor outputs are 15/16 since it's in a mixer format and that's at the end of the I/O so you have to route your daw and change settings to recognize that. Usually, an audio interface always has 1/2 as main outputs but once you set up your audio midi setup on mac it works and you don't have to change anything. I was worried that the conversion quality wouldn't be as good as say a UA apollo but it sounds great to me, better than what I had before.
The value you get is amazing, the SSL 6 channel strip is updated compared to the 6ix and 500 series ones currently available (better comp and EQ). To buy 4 SSL 500 series six channels, LMC Compressor a G series bus comp, 8 channels of D/I line preamps, and a 500 series chassis with USB or adat to house it all would cost 6937€ It would be more flexible obviously but that puts in perspective the value I think the big six offers.
Great mic preamps with headroom
Useful compressors and eq's
powerful headphone preamps
Well Implemented USB connectivity/ Routing
Flexible Routing
Excellent mix bus summer
Powerful line inputs
Mic channel inserts (send return) are after the preamp gain.
Limited to 12 channel recording/summing
Routing of the Talkback mic could be better for more practical use of the LMC(Listen Mic Compressor)
2 monitor outputs
Thomman dropped the package and the main fader was bent I bent it back but it's not great that the handling was neglected. The price of the unit used to be 2555, so its a even better deal now.
I've had the BiG SiX for just over a month now and there's a lot to love. I think the SSL BiG SiX introduced tremendous value into my studio for the cost, allowing it
Thomman dropped the package and the main fader was bent I bent it back but it's not great that the handling was neglected. The price of the unit used to be 2555, so its a even better deal now.
I've had the BiG SiX for just over a month now and there's a lot to love. I think the SSL BiG SiX introduced tremendous value into my studio for the cost, allowing it to become the central hub.
I watched a lot of reviews before choosing to get this unit most of the complaints mentioned by reviewers weren't a factor to me in use. In general, it offers me more than I need, but as always could benefit from a few other features found on more typical audio interfaces. (midi, Adat, Second thunderbolt to connect up to two units or some way to expand the unit with other SSL ecosystem products.
Starting with the mic pres, the headroom of the preamps is great they're so clean and sound amazing i noticed an instant difference compared to my old audio interface. The EQs are musical and more versatile than they are limited. The 4 compressors on channels 1-4 are useful sometimes people use compression for the color from the transformers and pushing the saturation and harmonics of a signal but SSL are known for their clean punchy sound, I have Neve preamps and more colorful bus compressors and plenty of plugins that sound great for that stuff. I find the sound of the SSL compliments and tightens up a mix, gluing everything together and having a modern sound. The G comp on the SSL B6 is great as well I know people say that it has fewer features so it's not as good but for a bus compressor I never found I needed crazy high ratios to achieve an effect id rather have that in the box so I can bypass or go back than print that in a hybrid workflow. It has the same G Comp circuit topology and sounds better than some of my other outboard compressors.
Since I'm using mac I made an aggregate device with another audio interface to expand my studio's I/O
Using this as the hub allowed me to get rid of a lot of connections on my patch bay since you just hit a button and go from USB into the SSL six from my daw instead of a traditional audio interface where you would route that into a patch bay
After recording a track I compared the stems printed out through protools using an SSL g bus comp plugin on the master bus, and then bus summing through the SSL B6 using the G series comp (not engaging the EQ or channel comps) I asked people if they could hear the difference, I immediately noticed more stereo width/detail and the higher headroom allows you to push it a bit more while still sounding good. The last annoying thing about the SSL B6 is that the monitor outputs are 15/16 since it's in a mixer format and that's at the end of the I/O so you have to route your daw and change settings to recognize that. Usually, an audio interface always has 1/2 as main outputs but once you set up your audio midi setup on mac it works and you don't have to change anything. I was worried that the conversion quality wouldn't be as good as say a UA apollo but it sounds great to me, better than what I had before.
The value you get is amazing, the SSL 6 channel strip is updated compared to the 6ix and 500 series ones currently available (better comp and EQ). To buy 4 SSL 500 series six channels, LMC Compressor a G series bus comp, 8 channels of D/I line preamps, and a 500 series chassis with USB or adat to house it all would cost 6937€ It would be more flexible obviously but that puts in perspective the value I think the big six offers.
Great mic preamps with headroom
Useful compressors and eq's
powerful headphone preamps
Well Implemented USB connectivity/ Routing
Flexible Routing
Excellent mix bus summer
Powerful line inputs
Mic channel inserts (send return) are after the preamp gain.
Limited to 12 channel recording/summing
Routing of the Talkback mic could be better for more practical use of the LMC(Listen Mic Compressor)
2 monitor outputs